Summer League Starts Well for SUMHC
For the first time SUMHC has teamed up with the ladies club to provide teams for the mixed Swansea Summer League in matches against Gowerton and Swansea City. Despite games being played in the middle of exam season the club was able to provide enough players to fill 3 mixed ability teams, which just goes to show how popular a sport hockey is at Swansea University.
All three teams played their matches in good, true summer league spirits and were very successful in all their games, There are two more rounds to be played, on the 5th June and the 12th June, and as more students finish exams it is expected that participation shall only increase. We encourage anyone interested in taking part in these friendly games to get in contact, either through our Twitter page @SwanseaUniHC or our Facebook page.
In response to this massive support for the Summer League from SUMHC the club were able to donate money taken in for pitch fees to charity.
SUMHC would like to thank both Gowerton and Swansea City Hockey Clubs for providing teams for our enthusiastic bunch of players. In addition we would like to thank Harry York for organising the boys side of things, as he kick-starts his campaign for Club Captain for the 2018/2019 season.