Focus on... George Marshall
In the second instalment of our 'Focus on...' series we speak to SUMHC 'Fresher of the Year', tour Top Gun and all-round general maniac George Marshall, better known as Topknot.
Name: George Marshall
AKA: Topknot
Position: CAM
Team: 2's/3's/4's/5's
Favourite On-pitch SUMHC memory: Going to the BUCS cup final with the 3's after a string of hard fought and close victories. Some great hockey played by a great group of lads. Each game seemed like a scene from SUMHC's own take on the Rocky movies, only with a little less physical exertion (outside of game day) and a little more 'hydration'.
Favourite Off-pitch SUMHC memory: I think I'm going to have to be super boring on this one and say I have too many to recall just one. SUMHC has given me so many opportunities to have a fantastic time with an unforgettable group of people, I would be lying if I said one moment has stuck out more than another. This could be because all the best memories are hidden behind a hazy wall of alcohol induced amnesia to return slowly over time, but for the sake of respectability and decency I will put it down to the sheer number of exceptional memories overwhelming my ability to recall just one.
Ideal first date: Depends where I met my date I guess. If it was through hockey they probably know me too well to believe I have an ounce of romance in me so perhaps a lovely trip to a fine establishment that serves a selection of alcoholic beverages (preferably with some kind of 2 for 1 special offer). If I met them through tinder (or other dating service), I would have to stick to the good old tried and tested 'Netflix and Chill'. If, Heavens forbid, I manage to find a date another way I might try to pretend that I'm a die hard romantic and take them on a wild escapade to the beach accompanied by a warm blanket and bottle of fine wine to watch the sunset and talk passionately about our interests. P.S. If anyone is interested or knows anyone interested in spending some quality time with an intellectually sophisticated and humorous young man feel free to hit me up on (Number supplied).
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Hopefully, teaching Biology somewhere. Although, 10 years is quite a while, almost half my life and I'm pretty sure when I was 10 I wanted to be an astronaut or something just as cliche so its probably best to ask me the same thing in just over 10 years and I might have an answer for you.
Favourite Nightclub in Swansea: Now that's a tricky one. For the actual night out get me to Sin City any day, but for the events that come hand in hand with a good night I would have to say Tooters is a personal favourite.
Favourite social: ADDNBSCT!
Tour: Already started saving for my next one
Next up is Tour Fresher of the Year and drag-flick specialist, Jack Helicon!